14 Mar Why Mediating Workplace Disputes Works?
Mediation is a particular form of a dispute resolution process that some companies prefer to resolve employee disputes. Complaints or disputes can revolve around their supervisors or the workplace. Mediation is an alternative to using legal processes like litigation to solve workplace problems.
In this process, an unbiased third-party listens to both the parties in conflict but does not make any suggestions, rather they assist the parties to reach a mutually agreeable solution. Thus, comes in the role of a workplace mediator. Numerous reasons are there as to why mediation works wonders to solve workplace disputes.
It is a time-saving process
When an office worker files a legal complaint with the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, a federal agency, the EEOC offers an opportunity to both the parties to mediate their problem. That is done at the very first stage of complaint processing. Such practice helps both the parties and the mediator to save a handsome amount of time. A standard investigation process will take several months to reach the court. Whereas, mediation can solve the issue within an afternoon.
Skyrocketing popularity
Mediation has already become the most sought-after medium to solve workplace disputes. Because the process is less time consuming, both the employee and the company find the process more effective. As many as 96% of mediation users think that they would resort to the system again.
Use of staff resource
Besides being a less time consuming and more effective process, mediation is also a medium of using staff resources in a better way. In a full-fledged investigation case, witnesses are required from the HR department, departmental head and other employees who know the case inside out. On the contrary, the workplace mediator will call only one staff from the HR department and the manager while solving the workplace dispute.
Sustaining healthy relationship
Workplace conflicts often result in a break of a healthy workplace relationship between an employee and his/her boss. Such cases, if left unsolved, will lead to escalating workplace problems. That will make it almost impossible to bring back the rational collegial working relationship between the two parties. Mediation helps in mending the adversarial relationship that was forming between the boss and the employee. That will, in turn, help the company to get back on track.
The mediator keeps it confidential
The workplace mediator guarantees that the complaint of the employee won’t be made public. In case of litigation, the matter is sure to get publicized, especially when it’s a high-profile matter. While mediation when both the parties resolve differences, both sides need to agree that grievance and the solution will be kept confidential.
Last but not least
Mediation is a low-cost process for solving workplace conflict. A long-lasting dispute that is affecting your work at the personal level and the overall health of the company must be resolved as fast as possible. So, now that you are well aware of the benefits of meditation, try to solve your differences with the departmental head with the help of a workplace mediator.
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